Can you help me create a program on a PIC16F877A microcontroller using C language with this kind of problem?
Design a control system that will display a counter up to 9.
When add button is pressed, it will add 1 and will display to its seven segment display.
When start button is pressed, the sequence will be flash the led for 500ms depends on the number of count display.
When interrupt button is pressed, it will paused the program and when it pressed again, it will continue the program.
I really need your help..
Design a control system that will display a counter up to 9.
When add button is pressed, it will add 1 and will display to its seven segment display.
When start button is pressed, the sequence will be flash the led for 500ms depends on the number of count display.
When interrupt button is pressed, it will paused the program and when it pressed again, it will continue the program.
I really need your help..