Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC flash controller IC in SOT-23 package



Hi Spehro,
When it's internal oscillator-only like this one, they could do a much
sloppier job and still have an acceptable circuit. All it has to do is
detect out-of-spec supply voltage before the processor is outside of
the guaranteed-operation range.

They could even limit the supply voltage range if the BOD is enabled
and still have a good product. For example, the BOD could have a
threshold voltage in the 2.0 to 3.0V range, allowing 3.3V or 5.0V
nominal operation without external circuitry and losing an I/O, in
applications where a BOD called for. In some special applications, it
might be acceptable to cycle the Vdd to the chip regularly or to
control it with a supervisor circuit.
Yes, these methods would be options as well. All this makes me think: Do
most semiconductor companies really talk to their customer base before
concocting a new design? Or do they just wing it, drop it on the market,
and see what happens? Or maybe some marketeer there stood up in a
meeting and exclaimed "they're gonna love this one!"?

Regards, Joerg


A zero-pin device would be more enticing. It is self programming, self
running, doesn't need to communicate with anything or anybody. It is
also self diagnosing so there is no need to ever look at it. This would
be the "virtual chip".

Regards, Joerg

Chaos Master

Mike Harrison ([email protected]) caused an illegal operation in module
I once had an ap that could have used a TO-92 PIC....

GND, VDD and a single pin working as output? :)

OK, OK. Can I use VDD as an input? <g>

© 2004 Chaos Master | "I'm going under,
Posting from Brazil! | drowning in you
Slackware Linux/BSD's| I'm falling forever,
Win98 + LiteStep | I've got to break through"
---------------------. -- Evanescence, "Going Under"


Chaos Master said:
Mike Harrison ([email protected]) caused an illegal operation in module
I once had an ap that could have used a TO-92 PIC....

GND, VDD and a single pin working as output? :)

OK, OK. Can I use VDD as an input? <g>


Actually it would be possible to have a two pin PIC. It would have a
phantom power circuit, i.e., resistor from the supply pin to supply
voltage and a ground pin. The input and output would be via capacitor to
the supply pin. Similar to electret microphone circuit.


Mike Harrison

And how do you make a transistor output a complex pulse sequence with no external components...?

Terry Given

Ken Smith said:
I want an 8 pin SO like this:

1 DAC output
2 ADC input
3 ADC input
4 Ground
5 ADC input
6 ADC input
7 DAC output
8 Vcc

I'll get them custom labled as "TIO72" and show them as a dual op-amp on
my schematics. I figure that should be lots of fun.
[email protected] forging knowledge


now thats a sneaky bastard trick....I would also propose the LM393


Terry Given

Spehro Pefhany said:
OTOH, the QFP-80 etc. packages that are symmetrical be installed 4

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

yeah, but its also quite possible to install them upside-down too - or 1" to
the right, or not at all :(

I once used a contract manufacturer whos yamaha smt machin with vision head
was mysteriously incapable of correctly positioning SOIC-8 ICs. We changed
manufacturer.....they also couldnt reflow with their fully automated reflow


Spehro Pefhany


now thats a sneaky bastard trick....I would also propose the LM393


Funny, but in reality, I'd advise against marking them with the
numbers of a cheap part. Once the decision has been made to copy
something (based on the BOM) they may well turn it over to someone

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Ken Smith


now thats a sneaky bastard trick....I would also propose the LM393


NE555 could also be fun. No DAC outputs would be needed.

Ken Smith

Terry Given said:
yeah, but its also quite possible to install them upside-down too - or 1" to
the right, or not at all :(

I've seen a run of boards where one end of a thru hole resistor was put
through a nearby via.

Chaos Master

Al ([email protected]) caused an illegal operation in module <no.spam-
[email protected]>:
Actually it would be possible to have a two pin PIC. It would have a
phantom power circuit, i.e., resistor from the supply pin to supply
voltage and a ground pin. The input and output would be via capacitor to
the supply pin. Similar to electret microphone circuit.

Yeah :)

© 2004 Chaos Master | "I'm going under,
Posting from Brazil! | drowning in you
ICQ: 126735906 / | I'm falling forever,
UnderNet: FreeB5D | I've got to break through"
---------------------. -- Evanescence, "Going Under"

Jim Meyer

Winfield Hill said:
I'd like to see a 5-pin SOT-23, can't be installed backwards!

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dot-org for now)

You're not from around here, are you?
