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PIC Demo Board Firmware Restore? (PICDEM-FS-USB)

salve a tutti, mi chiamo alfonso sono nuovo del forum, ho un problema con una picdem fs usb acquistata su internet dalla microchip.
c'è da dire che volevo cominciare l'esperienza dell'usb col famosissimo 18f 4550, ma quando ho comprato la picdem nn ho badato al processore che con amara sorpresa e un 18 f45k50.
Su quest'ultimo pic su internet ce poco o niente come tutoria in ogni caso ho fatto una prova pensando che poteva andare bene per un progetto cdc class ed ho caricato il bootloader del 18f4550 dimenticando di salvare quello che era preinstallato sul 18f45k50 ,morale bootloader originale perso e nn funziona niente, ovviamente ho seguito delle guide su ionternet.
Volevo sapere come usare questa benedetta scheda e se e possibile riapristinare il firmware originsale Se qualcuno può aiutarmi sarebbe grande grazie
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salve a tutti, mi chiamo alfonso sono nuovo del forum, ho un problema con una picdem fs usb acquistata su internet dalla microchip.
c'è da dire che volevo cominciare l'esperienza dell'usb col famosissimo 18f 4550, ma quando ho comprato la picdem nn ho badato al processore che con amara sorpresa e un 18 f45k50.
Su quest'ultimo pic su internet ce poco o niente come tutoria in ogni caso ho fatto una prova pensando che poteva andare bene per un progetto cdc class ed ho caricato il bootloader del 18f4550 dimenticando di salvare quello che era preinstallato sul 18f45k50 ,morale bootloader originale perso e nn funziona niente, ovviamente ho seguito delle guide su ionternet.
Volevo sapere come usare questa benedetta scheda e se e possibile riapristinare il firmware originsale Se qualcuno può aiutarmi sarebbe grande grazie
Mi dispiace , non ho molta esperienza con questo microcontrollore da microchip . Se si dispone di un bootloader danneggiato, avrete bisogno di alcuni strumenti aggiuntivi per riprogrammarlo .
Avete metodi alternativi per riprogrammare il vostro PIC ?

Inoltre , ho usato google translate per questo ... come io parlo solo inglese . Sei fluente in inglese ?

Hello everyone , my name is alfonso are new to the forum , I have a problem with a PICDEM FS USB purchased on the internet from the microchip .
I should mention that I wanted to start with the experience of USB famous 18f 4550 , but when I bought the PICDEM No I babysit processor with bitter surprise and an 18 f45k50 .
On this pic on the internet there little or nothing as guardian in any case, I did a test , thinking that he would be good for a project cdc class and loaded the bootloader of the 18F4550 forgetting to save that which was pre-installed on 18f45k50 , moral bootloader original lost , and n does nothing , of course I followed the guides on ionternet .
I wanted to know how to use this holy card and if you can riapristinare firmware originsale If anyone can help would be great thanks

I'm sorry, I do not have much experience with that microcontroller from microchip. If you have a damaged bootloader, you will need some additional tools to reprogram it.
Do you have any alternative methods to reprogram your PIC?

Also, I used google translate for this... as I only speak English. Are you fluent in English?
Hi tanks for your reply i borght the demo board picdem fs usb from microchip if you visit the web sire you can see it i think that it is impossible riproggrammed without a programmer like pickit3 so i don't know what can i do. Anyway il would like to learn to use pic 18f4550 with mplabx and mla do you know dame good link where it is explein step by step so i can understand it?? Tanks
Hi tanks for your reply i borght the demo board picdem fs usb from microchip if you visit the web sire you can see it i think that it is impossible riproggrammed without a programmer like pickit3 so i don't know what can i do. Anyway il would like to learn to use pic 18f4550 with mplabx and mla do you know dame good link where it is explein step by step so i can understand it?? Tanks
The closest thing I could find it here: Notes for MCHPFSUSB v1.3.htm
Look at section 3.2
3.2.MPLAB IDE Firmware Projects and HEX Files
Several USB example firmware projects and hex files are included in the MCHPFSUSB distribution: part number DM163025) ships from the factory pre-programmed with the picdemfsusb.hex file. The firmware programmed on the PIC18F4550 can be restored to its original contents by reprogramming the picdemfsusb.hex file onto the device.

The PIC18F87J50 FS USB Plug-In Module demo board ( part number MA180021) ships from the factory pre-programmed with the PIC18F87J50_FS_USB_PIM_MouseDemo_2007_08.hex file. To restore the demo board to its original state, simply reprogram the microcontroller with this hex file.

To use these hex files with standard Microchip development tools such as MPLAB IDE and the MPLAB ICD2 programmer, open MPLAB IDE, click “Configure à Select Device”, then choose PIC18F4550 for the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, or PIC18F87J50 for the PIC18F87J50 FS USB Demo PIM. Make sure an appropriate programmer is connected and has been selected. Then click “File à Import” and import the .hex file to be used. Then use the “Programmer à Program” menu choice to restore the device
We may need to wait for someone more experienced with the PIC family to determine what tools you need to restore the firmware.
Tanks i hope Someone could help me as you say now i'm going to the bad tomorrow i have to work see you soon and tanks