Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC Compilers

Hi I am new to Micro controller programming and would like some intel on various compilers available and ways to program the micro controller.

I have tried programming PIC16F877A with the basic codes using Micro C for PIC as compiler and PIC Flash for burning the code.
But they don't have libraries for every PIC controller.
I am looking for more extensive solution which can be used for every micro controller possible.

I have read about MPLAB IDE and XC series of compilers and also PICKIT but I don't have working knowledge of any of those.

I am interested in doing ICSP and the controller I am using for my present project is PIC16LF1786.
However general information about various compilers would be appreciated.


Hop - AC8NS
...I am looking for more extensive solution which can be used for every micro controller possible.

Well, good luck with that. Please let us know when you find this more extensive solution. I would be particularly interested in micro controllers offered in 2015 and later years.
Well, good luck with that. Please let us know when you find this more extensive solution. I would be particularly interested in micro controllers offered in 2015 and later years.

Well with every possible I meant every possible PIC micro controller
Cause the compiler I used before - Micro C - misses quite a lot of them


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Any compiler is likely to support only a subset. For example some very early devices may not longer be supported. Based on licensing you might find that high end devices are not supported. Very new devices may not be supported *yet*.

In terms of supporting *everything* the manufacturer supplied/supported tools are likely to be your best bet.
There are also 4 families of PICs with different instruction sets. There is not one compiler that handles all of them. I use the XC compilers from Microchip, which are free (with optimization disabled.) There are 3 of these to handle the 8, 16 and 32 bit PICs.

There are also 4 families of PICs with different instruction sets. There is not one compiler that handles all of them. I use the XC compilers from Microchip, which are free (with optimization disabled.) There are 3 of these to handle the 8, 16 and 32 bit PICs.


i have installed MPLAB IDE and also XC8 since as of now i am dealing with PIC16LF1786.
But XC8 is running only in command line mode
its not showing in d IDE when i am building a new project
how do i fix this?
How do i get XC8 in d compiler options when i am building a new project.
i referred to the user guide but i couldn't find the instructables on adding a language tool.
There are also 4 families of PICs with different instruction sets. There is not one compiler that handles all of them. I use the XC compilers from Microchip, which are free (with optimization disabled.) There are 3 of these to handle the 8, 16 and 32 bit PICs.


I tried going to tools-> options-> embedded -> build tools and then tried adding XC8
xc8 was mentioned in d list of tool chains but when i tried adding it, it said base directory is currently used by another toolchain. What does this mean? What do i do further?