Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Phillips 3055 scope problem

I have a Phillips 3055 scope was using a voltage divider circuit for looking at a transmitter's audio. Well the one i was testing i under estimated the power output and it over powered the scope and smoked the resistor on the a channel it did not take it out completely but the scale is a bit off now. But the main problem is the screen it didn't have the shadows around it before now it does i have to lower the intensity to get rid of it but would like to repair it. Any clues on what may have went? 2 photos of it one with intensity turned down and one were it normally was set at. thanks



Sadly passed away in 2015
I can't see how burning up a resistor in the vertical input section could affect the screen in that way.

My guess is that the halo effect has always happened when you turn the brightness up very high like in that second picture. You probably just never noticed it before because you weren't looking for possible defects.
No, it was set the same after i shut it down and found the resistor burned the transmitter was 150 watts modulated it also burnt 2 resistors in the voltage divider. When i turned it back on it showed and shadows so something was overloaded in it. I have to adjust very dim to get it out now was not like before the blow out.