Thanks for reply...
Yes, I've Googled and found many things. Mostly people saying "take to service center".
The first thing I did was to check and make sure capacitors were drained.
Then, I found a circuitry diagram for a Peavey VK100 (212), but it seems a little different from what I have.
Firstly the circuitry schematic I have shows only (1) fuse inside, where this amp has (3).
Anyway, the outer fuse checks good, and the [3] inside fuses check good, [by way of checking with ohm meter showing continuity/'0'].
With my meter set to 20k ohms, and leads connected one to 'neutral' and the other to 'hot', [doesn't say 'line'], at the 'power input socket', when I turn the 'power' switch to 'on', there is no reading...with one lead still on 'line/hot', and touching the 204/fuse, meter goes to '0.01' reading...[I get this reading regardless if power switch is on or off]...when I touch P1 or P2, I'm assuming that either one is good for checking when power switch is on, I get no I checked power switch for continuity and it showed good, 'off' no reading, 'on' reading...