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Maker Pro

peakelec ESR70 measuring battery internal resistance

Hello I have peakelec ESR 70.

I ask if it's true 100khz meter:

peakelec replies

1. I can confirm that the Atlas ESR (models ESR60 and ESR70) do measure the true ESR at 100kHz. It applies a test signal of exactly 100kHz and measures the true ESR and ignores the capacitor's reactance (unlike many other ESR meters).

I ask if it's possible to measure battery internal resistance

peakelec replies

2. It is possible to measure the ESR of batteries if a series capacitor is used. See attachment.


  • Measuring-ESR-of-a-battery.gif
    16.2 KB · Views: 408
I have made the circuit to measure ers of batteries.
I've used 10uF 35V Rubycon cap (ESR 0.30), and 47K resistor 5%.


1. How to zero out the wire resistance? The Atlas meter is zeroes out OK, but that can't be done while meter is connected to this circuit. What am I doing wrong?

2. Is 5% resistor OK, do I need 1%?

3. The internal resistance of typical lead acid batteries is 4.22 milliohm, that's 0.00422ohm
The ESR70 resolutions is only 0.01ohm so how can peakelec claim it can measure internal resistanceo of batteries????

Some batteries like sms100f have 2.81 milliohm that's 0.00422ohm that's 0.00281