Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PCB Electrical Testing


Ian Bell

Nial said:

Are you talking about production or prototype quantities?

Both really except my production quantities are quite low - perhaps 100 per
annum of any one type.
All the boards I build are prototypes. I'll always specify electrical test as I
want to be debugging my design, not boards or the build (I use a good, not cheap
assembly house).

I tend to use Kelan (who have recently been bought over) for these boards. They have beaten
chinese build prices for 10 offs on reasonably complex (6/8 layer) boards
so it might be worth getting them to quote. They are a 'proper' board house,
not a pile em high operation like PCB train.

Hope this helps,

Thanks, that link to me to gspk who I know have been around for ages - I think I
used them over 20 years ago. I'll check them out.

