Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Painfully slow vendor webpages



I nominate this vendor for the Hall of Shame as the
ultimate slowest website owner: Cornell Dubilier

It takes more than 10 minutes to open this page,
can't say exactly how much (had lunch in the mean time),
which was just enough to get this opened.
Yes, I'm on ADSL. Firefox v2.

What the **** are they thinking?


Rheilly Phoull

TheM said:
I nominate this vendor for the Hall of Shame as the
ultimate slowest website owner: Cornell Dubilier

It takes more than 10 minutes to open this page,
can't say exactly how much (had lunch in the mean time),
which was just enough to get this opened.
Yes, I'm on ADSL. Firefox v2.

What the **** are they thinking?

Came up in about 15seconds fer me using google chrome.

Rheilly P


I nominate this vendor for the Hall of Shame as the
ultimate slowest website owner: Cornell Dubilier

It takes more than 10 minutes to open this page,
can't say exactly how much (had lunch in the mean time),
which was just enough to get this opened.
Yes, I'm on ADSL. Firefox v2.

What the **** are they thinking?

Less than 3 seconds here. Broadband.


I'm the end of a very fat network pipe right now, and it hung Internet
Exploder for about 20-30 seconds before anything worked again.
Exploder was pretty messed up while it tried to open the page and
nothing worked in any other window.

My guess is that web page development got contracted to the CEO's
bother in law or something.


Initially Firefox took 25 seconds, but later reloads fast, and pdf download is
not bad. Explorer keeps asking for ActivX permissions because thats
the way mine is set up. I quit that. And then I acepted all transactions.
I don't see anything different, and when I shift pages all the prompts
come back on.



GregS said:
Initially Firefox took 25 seconds, but later reloads fast, and pdf download is
not bad. Explorer keeps asking for ActivX permissions because thats
the way mine is set up. I quit that. And then I acepted all transactions.
I don't see anything different, and when I shift pages all the prompts
come back on.


Perhaps one of my firefox plugins is having trouble with something on that page.
Anyway, I used AdBlock to block offending part and now it loads normally.

False alarm probably :)


Adrian Tuddenham

TheM said:
I nominate this vendor for the Hall of Shame as the
ultimate slowest website owner: Cornell Dubilier

It takes more than 10 minutes to open this page,
can't say exactly how much (had lunch in the mean time),
which was just enough to get this opened.
Yes, I'm on ADSL. Firefox v2.

What the **** are they thinking?

I have just (5 Jun 2009 16:50 GMT) tried it:

iCab 2.9.9 without Javascript - no response after 1 minute
iCab 3.0.5 with Javascript - no response after 1 minute
Mozilla 1.3 - no response after 1 minute
I Explorer 5.1 - no response after 1 minute
Navigator 3.0 - 5k after one minute (average rate 124 bytes/sec)

This is in the UK on broadband on a Beige Mac G3 running OS 8.6.


Adrian Tuddenham said:
I have just (5 Jun 2009 16:50 GMT) tried it:

iCab 2.9.9 without Javascript - no response after 1 minute
iCab 3.0.5 with Javascript - no response after 1 minute
Mozilla 1.3 - no response after 1 minute
I Explorer 5.1 - no response after 1 minute
Navigator 3.0 - 5k after one minute (average rate 124 bytes/sec)

This is in the UK on broadband on a Beige Mac G3 running OS 8.6.

Indeed, I tried many hours later and pdf download stalled for a couple minutes
and than finished in a few seconds. Looks like an "intermittent contact"
somewhere on their web server.

So I guess they do belong into that hall of shame after all.


Jim Thompson

works fine under IE8


Opens _fairly_ quickly under Firefox v3.0.10 _TODAY_.

Yesterday couldn't open it at all. Maybe someone got the message ?:)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

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