Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pactor IIe terminal software?



I now have my ssb and Pactor IIe all hooked up and when I went to install
the terminal software (PlusTerm ), I found that it was DOS version and won't
run on my Win2k OS..

I contacted SCS and ask for a recommendation and they agreed that I should
get a Windows Terminal program. However they didn't recommend any..

I'm not sure of what will be the best and simplest for me.. I'm not a ham
yet and typically any of this stuff, is written for and by hams. At the risk
of offending our resident Hams, let's just say the ones I have looked at are
complex to the extreme. (Lotta stuff for contests, etc.) Much like ham
transievers, more complicated that necessary to send and recieve email.

The one program that seems to be promoted on one of the Pactor sites is
EasyTerm for Windows. The info and representations would indicate it has
complex features, but I'm wondering if it might still be the best..

I can't tell from what I read if it can also be used to control the
transciever as well as the Pactor modem. My new Icom 710mkII has that
capability so would like to find a combine program if possible.

What are the rest of the "I Just Wanna Do Email and Weather" skippers

s/v Good Intentions

Glenn Ashmore

I think they both use the same software.

Chuck said:
Airmail requires a Ham License and it doesn't sound like Steve is a
Ham. Sailmail is a pay service that will allow you to email and
receive weather. They will assist you in setting up the program, etc.
I personally have not used it but know others that have and been
satisfied. Most of these programs and set ups are very similar.

Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
Shameless Commercial Division:

Dennis Gibbons

Just a reminder of what I said when I sold you the unit. You don't need to
program anything with the software. Just download and install Sailmail. It
has it's own terminal emulation program imbedded in it. Don't reinvent the