Maker Pro
Maker Pro

OT Multifunction Tool Review



Hi Keith,

No, it's because you're not noticing the "3 payments of" in tiny print at! (I.e., it is the same price -- $120-$180 total depending
which kit you're after).

Yeah, these days many brands names are largely meaningless. The same
marketing guys who figure that if a movie did well a sequel is surely worth
making (even if said sequel has completely different writers and producers)
also seem to figure that a well-known brand name once holds value forever.
Just like Lenovo, Commodore computers were around long after the original
company went kaput.

GE (small appliances)? Black and Decker (small appliances)? Quasar?
How about Packard Bell. Now there is a great one! ;-)
Actually I only "hinted" at getting the 10" saw, but my wife "upgraded" me to
the 12" version. :) I was a little shocked at the price of 12" blades --
after having to replace one I now treat them a little better, to try to get
them to last longer!

That's exactly my take on it. I have decent 10" blades so didn't see
any real advantage of a 12" saw and a lot of negative$.


Clean them really well, remove all gunk before storage. I made that
mistake once, blade pretty gummed up from sap, had another 8-10ft to go,
thought "c'mon, you can finish that run" and pushed the saw quite hard.
When I was through a thick blue cloud wafted through the valley and the
blade was thoroughly shot. All the carbide tips burned. I could scrape
the black crystallized stuff off but it would never cut well again.

I did that with a router bit. I was rebuilding my MIL's deck after
she died. We had the place sold so traveled back to IL to do the
punch list the inspector found. I didn't have all my tools so had to
make do with what I had. "One last board"... I thought I burned the
router up too, but it was just the brushes.


krw said:
ISTM that tile is your only alternative. Any sort of wood or vinyl
(yuck) will get destroyed by growing dogs. Since you'll have
perpetual puppies, you're going to have to bullet proof your house.

Yeah, looks like it. Tile isn't great either. I laid about 100sqft of it
but dogs slide on it. Older ones can hurt their hips when the hind legs
squat sideways. So we'll look for a sturdy carpet, some industrial grade
that can withstand frequent cleaning. The new carpet tiles in the office
and lab look too industrial though, sez SWMBO.


Michael said:
Does the hole measure 10mm?

Damn close, as far as my eye can tell, using the
wrong kind (outside instead of inside) of caliper
for that measurement.


Jim Thompson

Happened to be in Lowe's this morning for other reasons, but I checked
out the Dremel... looks like they've fixed the blade holder to be like
Bosch et al.

I'll listen here for awhile longer before making my choice... I mainly
need grout clean-up, but wish they all could do metal.

...Jim Thompson

Looked again yesterday... Dremel is now a division of Bosch ;-) Bought
it. Scraper "works a treat"! Bought the grout saw... extra cost $34
:-( Now we'll see.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine Sometimes I even put it in the food