Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Operating pumps via stepper motor HAT

Hi guys,
I'm currently working on a project where I need to control a lot of stepper motors via a Raspberry Pi. For this reason, I need a stepper HAT that can either drive a lot of stepper motors at once or that I can stack several HATs on top of each other. I found this HAT here: . I can stack it. So far, so good.
Regarding the pumps, I found these here:
Now, unfortunately, I don't have much experience with operating stepper motors. There are no specifications for the motor in the description on Aliexpress, but the picture says:
2.5 Ohm
The pump, i.e. the motor as a whole, can be operated with 6-30V.
The HAT can operate two motors with 1.2A (and 3A for max. 20ms) at 5-12V. At least that's how I understood it.
Now the motor needs 0.1A more than the HAT allows. Can I still use it? These are only minimal differences. Maybe I can just stick a few heatsinks on the drivers?
Are there other HATs that support slightly larger motors and are stackable at the same time? I would like to be able to connect up to 20 motors, at least theoretically. Unfortunately, that's not possible directly to the PI.
Otherwise, what would be the strongest motor that I could operate with the HAT? For example, I found this one. It is specified with at least a current of 1.2A:
There must be a much larger market for higher-dimensioned HATs. But I can hardly find any and if I do, the HATs are not stackable. Are there perhaps HATs where I can choose the driver I want to use?