Maker Pro
Maker Pro

One button, two operations?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Yeah, a relay that latches via one set of contacts and powers the motor via another is a solution. A limit switch can break the connection which latches the relay. and a limit switch which opens the circuit which latches the relay.
Have another question, surprise! I've dug out the old books and did some google work and designed a circuit that latches from a single pulse. It seems to work, I'm using an LED for the load at this time to make it easy to see when it's working. The problem is, the circuit only stays latched for 30 - 45 seconds. I cannot figure out why although it's probably in my design but I'm not educated enough to find it. Anyone see what the problem could be?
It's a simple enough design, I just don't see the problem.

Many thanks!



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There are a number of fundamental flaws in this circuit.

1) the emitter of the left transistor is not connected (this is probably a drafting error)
2) current to your load must flow through the 100k resistor

It looks like you've taken the explanation of how an SCR works, and then tried to implement it with transistors and completely failed to understand what it actually does,

I would recommend you google SCR and see if that is actually what you want.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
That looks exactly the same to me and all of my previous comments apply
Thanks for the feedback, it made me actually look at the image. PS crashed just as I was saving the finished layout and I thought it saved it but it apparently didn't. I uploaded it and should have payed more attention to the image that uploaded as it was an earlier saved image. Sorry for wasting your time.

Here's the correct diagram, it was allot faster to just draw it out then trying to get PS to work right.


I guess I should explain this a little better. The reason I'm messing with this circuit is that for my door opener, I'm relying on a factory built trigger that only sends out a .9v pulse every 2 seconds. I attached my circuit to the trigger from the factory unit and it did cause my circuit to latch, for about 30 seconds or so. Now, my plan is to take the output (load) from my circuit and wire it into a voltage multiplier then wire that to my relay bank. The multiplier is constructed and works fine, I just need a steady feed to the multiplier or the relays will shut down causing the door to stop part way open or closed. For now, I'll use limit switches to interrupt the latch circuit which will open the relays and turn power off to the motor.

Sorry for the novel!

Thanks again