Matthias Melcher
I have built a servo controller around a PIC Microcontroller. The servos are
pwered by a 6V NiCad battery pack that also powers the PIC through an
LM1117 (neither 5V nor 3.3V work reliably).
Unfortunatly, as soon as I get some load on the servos, the PIC resets due
to the poer drop.
How can I make sure that the PIC will always get sufficient DC, so it won't
Adding a separate battery for the PIC is not an option (space constraints).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
pwered by a 6V NiCad battery pack that also powers the PIC through an
LM1117 (neither 5V nor 3.3V work reliably).
Unfortunatly, as soon as I get some load on the servos, the PIC resets due
to the poer drop.
How can I make sure that the PIC will always get sufficient DC, so it won't
Adding a separate battery for the PIC is not an option (space constraints).
Any help is greatly appreciated.