Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Old Aussie transformers


ian field

Suzy said:
What an earth is his problem? Is he incapable of conversing without
attacking? No wonder most of his admitted ability gets lost as he must be
killfiled by most and only seen when quoted, such as now...

He was raised by dingoes!

Alan Rutlidge

Michael A. Terrell said:
Phil is a left handed nut, in a right handed world.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Gee, I never knew Philthy was ambidextrous. ..... 97, 98, 99..change hands,
1, 2, 3 .......


Michael said:
He's tough, too. He uses steel wool, and never misses a stroke!

It's best to ignore people you don't like. Insults just add fuel to the
fire, and whilst it might make you feel good it's just an irritant to
the rest of us that want to discuss electronics.

Ross Herbert

:Thanks for the kind words sunshine!!
:Of course I thought that you of all people would know its the mains tranny
:in a Goldentone bassman40.
:I need the info so I can mebbe substitute something but the cct diagram
:doesnt give the bias winding voltage, I'm surmising about 30 but would like
:to make sure.
:Incidently the request was made that hopefully someone who had one of the
:A&R catalogues might read it.

Your circuit diagram might not give the bias voltage but this one does

PT2454 - ORANGE wires 40Vac

Incidentally, lots of Goldentone info here


Rheilly Phoull

Ross Herbert said:
On Mon, 7 Jan 2008 11:01:48 +0900, "Rheilly Phoull"
<[email protected]>

:Thanks for the kind words sunshine!!
:Of course I thought that you of all people would know its the mains
:in a Goldentone bassman40.
:I need the info so I can mebbe substitute something but the cct diagram
:doesnt give the bias winding voltage, I'm surmising about 30 but would
:to make sure.
:Incidently the request was made that hopefully someone who had one of the
:A&R catalogues might read it.

Your circuit diagram might not give the bias voltage but this one does

PT2454 - ORANGE wires 40Vac

Incidentally, lots of Goldentone info here


Thanks Ross

Yeah, I've been looking around there. Cant quite the exact model but the
cct's are good enough for what I want.

Alan Rutlidge

Elmo said:
It's best to ignore people you don't like. Insults just add fuel to the
fire, and whilst it might make you feel good it's just an irritant to the
rest of us that want to discuss electronics.

And your contribution to this NG over the past year has been? 5 posts, two
of which were cross posts from other NGs.
Stick around a little longer and you'll soon see the reason for developing a
sense of humour to offset the Philthy posts.
If you feel left out, try top posting to a thread Phil has had a hand at.
Bound to attract his attention, then just sit back and await your meteoric
rise up his "shit list". LOL


Rheilly Phoull

Bruce Varley said:
It's yonks since I've been anywhere near a valve design, I'd forgotten
just how basic a lot of it is. That amp is not much different to the stuff
in my 1964 ARRL handbook under 'modulators'......
AFAIK the 6dq6a's were designated for modulation duty :)
As you say the business end of any power amp is close to that of a


Rheilly Phoull said:
AFAIK the 6dq6a's were designated for modulation duty :)
As you say the business end of any power amp is close to that of a
At last, an interesting discussion about electronics, instead of the
seemingly interminable about, reply to etc. "Phil Allison" threads, complete
with foul-mouthed titling and imagery, and *quotes* of the rubbish from him
which defeat the purpose of the killfiling most of us apply.

Phil Allison



And a PITA, moronic net cop.


........ Phil

ian field

Suzy said:
At last, an interesting discussion about electronics, instead of the
seemingly interminable about, reply to etc. "Phil Allison" threads,
complete with foul-mouthed titling and imagery, and *quotes* of the
rubbish from him which defeat the purpose of the killfiling most of us

Most people don't killfile Philthy - his psychotic rants are too

David L. Jones

And your contribution to this NG over the past year has been? 5 posts, two
of which were cross posts from other NGs.
Stick around a little longer and you'll soon see the reason for developing a
sense of humour to offset the Philthy posts.
If you feel left out, try top posting to a thread Phil has had a hand at.
Bound to attract his attention, then just sit back and await your meteoric
rise up his "shit list". LOL

Money is starting to ride on the infamous "top 10" list, Phil needs to
publish an aus.electronics version!


David L. Jones

: Money is starting to ride on the infamous "top 10" list,
Phil needs to
: publish an aus.electronics version!
: Dave.

It would have to be odds on at the moment ;-)

BTW the current number of people that Philthy hates stands
at 6,602,224,174 but every second it is growing a little

That sounds about right:

At any one instant I guess it could actually go down a tad too!
