Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Nuisance fastners - winge


Sylvia Else

One death or injury is to many
and considering some of the incredibly stupid electrical work getting
done I cant agree

We could allow people to attend courses, and get certificates allowing
them to do home electrical work. How hard can it be?

We live in a world full of dangers. Electricity is nothing special in
that respect.



There is plenty of wood in various forms at the rubbish dump sale shop
locally - cheap, including old doors, offcuts etc

If you think about it, you only need 4 strips a few inches wide,
remember that most of the centre will be cut out for the fan

If you were that hard up, and were local, I would cut out the thing
for you myself for nothing, as I have plenty of bits here that could
be used.
All it takes is some cardboard or light ply gaffer and silastic


I found Lasko's web site. None of the instruction sheets (which I
thought might specify the power) seem to exist. So I emailed the
webadmin whose address was given on the web site. That email address
appears not to exist either (it bounced).

I hope they're better at making fans than they are at maintaining web

The one I have (Lasko) is 0.85A 120VAC