GPIO pins, as gates, usually have a specified high and low voltage threshold, sometimes expressed as a proportion of the supply.
Example; for I2C pins 0.3 & 0.7 of the supply. That is anything less than 0.3 of the suipply will be seen as a low, 0. anything greater than 0.7 of the supply will be seen as a one.
These thresholds are distinct from the power supply voltage.
It's common to power circuits from the power supply to allow the levels for 0 & 1 to be ensured to be beyond the threshold voltages.
If your GPIO pin has a "1". high threshold of 1.8 volts, it would be normal to run the circuit that is supposed to pull it up form the supply above 1.8 volts, often the same supply as the GPIO internat circuit; the IO supply.
If your chip GPIO is powered from a supply of 1.8 volts, then specify the high and low threshold voltages, so you know what voltages you must achieve with the npn driver.