Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Nos Da from North Wales

Hi there, I'm new to electronics but love it already. I thought I'd use this forum to get help and make friends and learn tips and tricks. I hope it's a friendly forum as some out there are horrible and full of arrogant people, but I'm sure this is a good place :)
Hi there, I'm new to electronics but love it already. I thought I'd use this forum to get help and make friends and learn tips and tricks. I hope it's a friendly forum as some out there are horrible and full of arrogant people, but I'm sure this is a good place :)
Collectively, we seem to be really helpful here, but if you don't attempt your own research prior and ask questions that can be answered by copy/pasting the subject title into google you are going to have a bad time xD

We love to help, but don't like to waste our time. Some on here will present you with a number of paragraphs giving you the information you need in addition to a bunch more. Others will present you with short answers that are usually enough to resolve your problem/question. One way or another, if you get stuck with something we'll help you move past.
Well thank you indeed. I have just posted a question and I have tried to Google it. It's a difficult one to Google I don't really know how to explain it but I hope someone can help.
I agree with Gryd3 that most of the people here want to help, it just helps us to help you, when you're specific with your question.
I also very-much agree that the people here are (mostly) less arrogant than other forums I've looked at, before I settled on this one. We have the moderators here to thank for that. Offensive people are not welcome here.
Hope you receive a helpful answer to whatever question you asked in your post, and rest assured that if you
have questions, this is a good place, with good people, to ask them from.
Hi shrtrnd thanks yes I've been chatting to some great people even just had a most helpful phone call from one of the people here. Yep I've found what I've been looking for :)