Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Noob here, please help

For a project i am making a sculpture. I want to have moving gears which will be telling a story combined with a projected animation. I need the gears to spin and stop during a specific point in the animation (as if the machine breaks down) and then turn back on again. I would like to have the speed of the gears change throughout the animation but its not a must.
I have no idea on how to go about doing this. I dont have any experience with electronic components, i do have a (very) basic undestanding of electricity (amp's, volt, ohm's etc.)
I would like to learn how to do these things, but i am struggeling with reasearch because i have nothing to go by.
And can i somehow connect the animation and the gears so that they start simultaniously using one starting signal.

many thanks

P.S. I hope you can understand my english, there might be mistakes because it is not my native language.


welcome to EP :)

For a project i am making a sculpture. I want to have moving gears which will be telling a story combined with a projected animation.

would be fun

I have no idea on how to go about doing this. I dont have any experience with electronic components, i do have a (very) basic undestanding of electricity (amp's, volt, ohm's etc.)

and with that admission, I have to be blatantly honest with you .... this is not a project for a beginner ... animatronics ( basically robotics) is a very involved topic
you would need a or some friends who are well skilled with both electronics and mechanics
Do you have some school friends who are good at those things ?