Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Noob Battery help

I have a GPS tracking device I want to install in my car. The problem is it only takes 3 AAA Lithium batteries but I want to hard wire it to my car that obviously runs on 12v. Can anyone tell me what parts I would need to do this? THANKS!
Those are 1.5V each, making 4.5V in total? If so you could probably use a readily available cig-lighter to USB power adapter.
The device referred to above could take your GPS up to 5.2 volts, depending on the usb adapter, Some but not all rechargeable batterys are 1.2 volts, but you need to check this.

Worst case scenario is your voltage is over by 1.6 volts, electronic gear like yours is more sensitive, and expensive, you can buy regulated cigarette lighter socket multi voltage adapters more suited to your needs. :)
I would use the accessory fuse outlet in the fuse box .
As far as the parts you would need, there are converter kits you can buy online.
I wired my GPS and Radar Scanner into my Monte Carlo SS for about 65 dollars ( plus shipping)
There are several good videos on youtube about hard wiring devices like this into your cars onboard system.

Those are 1.5V each, making 4.5V in total? If so you could probably use a readily available cig-lighter to USB power adapter.

Wow That was so simple and obvious I didn't even think about that. I always do things the hard way! Thanks.
BTW I found one on ebay and it said " 4.5V 500mA 0.5A"
How do I know what mA I need for my device? Thanks!
You could measure it, or you can estimate it by finding the mAh capacity of those cells and divide it by the run-time [hours] the GPS gets on them.
I'm quite sure it draws less than 500mA.