Well, I suppose _maybe_ I could be a bit less of a smartass about it.
The small-signal emitter resistance of a bipolar transistor is
r_E = kT/(eI_C),
i.e. about 26 mV/I_C at room temperature. If you multiply that by the
shot noise of the emitter current, which is
i_N = sqrt(2*e*I_C),
and do two lines of algebra, you get
v_N = sqrt(2*k*T*r_E).
Comparing this with the usual Johnson noise formula, you find that the
noise temperature of a forward-biased emitter is T/2, i.e. 150K at room
(At thermal equilibrium, you can't have a bias voltage or a net emitter
current, so the forward and reverse diffusion currents are equal. They
each contribute half of the fluctuations, so the factor of 2 is
restored. You need the full Ebers-Moll expression to show this, but I'm
too lazy to type it out.)
The beta of a BJT is the really low noise thing in electronics. The
intrinsic base (i.e. neglecting the actual resistance of the silicon)
has an impedance r_B = beta * r_E, but has exactly the same noise as the
emitter. (It has to, because there are only two wires involved.)
Thus the noise temperature of the input resistance of an ideal BJT CE
amplifier ought to be right around T_J/(2*beta).
It's never quite that good, of course, because the base current has shot
noise and there are real physical resistances that have noise of their own.
Phil Hobbs