Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Nice to see something like this once in a while!

YETH . . . . . !
Pity that there were no visible code dates readable . . . . . . for approximating the age of board . . . . .other than after the "origin" design concept of HC series CMOS technology and LED seven segment display . . . . vice LCD.
Surface mount mini LEDs and SM dry block tantalum capacitors.
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I too, like the color green. My genetics make me feel like I'm back in a jungle full of plants and man has not trespassed on this area so I am still safe to remain here.

The straight lines make me feel like there is a clear line of escape if a predator encroaches and the shiny metal fascinates my monkey sensibilities.

I swing from tree to tree, and approach the edge of the jungle, then say to myself, WTF is this guy doing posing random nonsense with a picture as if this is some vacuum.

Communication skills are highly underrated. If you don't have those mastered, do not pass go, do not collect $200, it all starts there.

I appreciate that you didn't bother to add your country to your profile so it could be a language difference, but if/when your language is a handicap, there needs to be more rather than less effort to make that clear.
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since the op never returned to explain his post
and we are all left pointlessly guessing

Thread closed