Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Nice relaxing day.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I love days like this when nothing is going on and I can just relax and not have to worry about anything.
We upstarts in the Colonies have revolted again!
Shouldn't be too long before the press/media starts in on him.
If you thought Bush-bashing was in vogue, just wait and see what happens to the Trumpeter.
If Trump cuts into the freebies (tax-payer funded) that Obama's been handing-out all these years,
There's going to be squealing like we haven't heard in years.
About time the world was mad at us again.
Trump wasn't my first choice, but I see we have riots and such already.
This for a guy who isn't in office, and hasn't done anything but run his mouth so far.
My daughter is a teacher in Seattle. The second-graders there had a discussion yesterday about how the Donald
needed to be assassinated, and the need for speed in that regard.
Somebody tell me again about who the haters are in this world.
There's only one good way to think, and anybody who thinks differently needs to be assassinated?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If the predictions hold true Lisa Simpson will run for President in 2020 and WIN!
Does Tasmania hate non-politically correct Americans too?
I'm just sad there's only one acceptable way to think now.
From what I've read, the Europeans who came here were trying to get away from that.
I may not have liked some of the Presidents we've had, but I never wanted any of them dead.
Now it seems, if somebody says anything that the 'tolerant, world-view' people disagree with, the offender deserves to die. And they teach their children to believe the same thing.
Yeah. I guess I am a sad American.
Worse yet, I'm subject to the Trumpocalypse too now.
Real Estate prices in Tasmainia are going to sky-rocket from this.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Real Estate prices in Tasmainia are going to sky-rocket from this.

If they did that, they might rise to levels considered cheap. :)

Now it seems, if somebody says anything that the 'tolerant, world-view' people disagree with, the offender deserves to die. And they teach their children to believe the same thing.

I think it's dangerous to generalize. I'm sure there are zealots on both sides of the political spectrum.

From the perspective of an outsider looking in, neither your presidential nor senate outcome are unexpected given the voting patterns. However, your congressional outcome is an interesting outlier.

We had a problem in Australia of significant gerrymandering in one state leading to one party holding government for many election cycles despite getting only 30% of the vote. Whilst I wouldn't suggest your problem is anywhere as large, your system does seem to lend itself to gerrymandering (on both sides).
I don't think it's generalizing *steve*. I live near Tucson, AZ. Heavily liberal because of the college here.
My view, what they call 'conservative' in this country, is what other conservatives think. We don't much care what
other people think or want to do with their own lives. Live and let live.
The opposing view, what this country calls 'liberal' is, that ONLY liberal or progressive ideas are valid, and that
people like me MUST be silenced by any means, including violence. Their way or the highway.
Where were the protests and riots from conservatives when Obama was elected? Live and let live.
What do we get when a conservative President is elected? Protests and riots. Their way or the highway.
I think you might be surprised by the everyday vile, vehement hatred I hear from liberals I'm surrounded by here.
No one predicted that the Trumpster would win, because the hatred from liberals was so intense here, that no one
would admit that they wanted to vote for Trump. Liberal, in-your-face, hatred and physical attacks ruled discussion.
Every Presidential election cycle here in the past was a chance for people to put bumper stickers on their cars, and
election signs in their front yards. Not this year. People dared not put a Trump bumper sticker on their car or sign in
their yard due to valid fears of physical assault, and vandalism of their property from the 'my way or the highway' liberal,
self-righteous political left people.
Honest. you'd have to be here and experience it to believe it. They've been emboldened by Obama/s rhetoric about
validity in their feelings of discontent.
The problem now is, for the people here, that this is just the beginning of liberal retaliation because it wasn't their way or the highway. You'll read about it in your media, tilted the way they want you to hear it. I'll be living it.