Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Newsletter on Light Sources



A newsletter on the scientific/technical aspects of light sources and
lighting has been launched by Dr. Spiros Kitsinelis of Phasma Solutions in
Athens, Greece. It appears to be in cooperation with colleagues at the
Ehime University of Japan and Toulouse Paul Sabatier University of Fance.
It is an e-newsletter. The first issue is out and a second issue is planned
for December. I found the first issue interesting as it gathered lamp and
lighting papers from conferences and publications that I don't normally see.
It seems to be an outgrowth of the activities of the group that has
organized the international Light Sources Symposia (the so-called "LS"
symposia) for some years.

There's no charge for the newsletter. Contract Dr. Kitsinelis at:
[email protected] (remove "xx" from the name in the e-mail
address to get the correct address)

Terry McGowan