Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Newbie: Starting out with electronics...breadboards

I am trying to create a simple circuit with an led in it. My setup is as follows:

I connect my positive terminal of my battery to the battery inputs on the right and then i bridge from the battery to the 1st set of pins with a resistor. Then i bridge the middle with an led. I then connect the negative terminal of my battery after the led.

The above seems to work fine...However if lets say i move the led to the 2nd set of pins and put a wire where the led was...the led does not light up.....why not?...puzzles me...

Then trying to put a pcb switch in place of the wire....nothing happens, i press the switch, hold lights...

So i remove the switch and put the led back to the old position....and it lights up....

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Harald Kapp

I didn't get exactly your description with 1st pins and whatnot.

Please have a look here:
The 6th figure from top to the right shows a typical breadboard.

There are 4 vertical lines (2 left, 2 right) that can be used to signal along the full length of the breadboard. These make 4 separate connections. One usually uses them for power supply, that's why there are red and blue lines at the side.
Then there are 57 horizontal rows, separated into 2 blocks (A-E and F-J).
Within each row only Pins A-E are connected together. As are pins F-J.

When adding components you have to make sure that the circuit is closed.

You could for example connect:
- battery + to A1
- resistor pin 1 to E1, resistor pin 2 to F1
- LED anode to H1
- LED kathode to H2
- battery - to J2

Since A1 is connected to E1 and F1 is connected to H1 and H2 is connected to J2 by the breadboard, the circuit is now closed and the LED should light up.

You can also use a simulator, Google "virtual breadboard".

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If i wanted to add a switch to the would i go about it?

I have this small pcb type switch with 4 contacts, 2 on either side of the switch.

That virtual breadboard sounds interesting...I bought a breadboard from and I was wondering how people can know if there circuit is right or not. Or just wait for it to heat up and smoke lol.
Mim, the circuitry is easy. Everything runs From positive to negitive and has to connected to each other.

When you moved one component you created an open in the circuit because the Breadboard wasn't continous. Even if you hook something up wrong, it's still continous from + to - or A to B.

Hooking it up correctly just means that it'll work when done.

Adding a switch meants that when the switch is in one position it complete the circuit on that side of the switch. When off, complete the circuit in another side which could be Opening the circuit, creating no electricity to flow or not to be continous.

Hope that helps and I didn't confuse you.