Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Newbie: BASCOM + 2313 = Blinking LED How To?


Buster Hyman

Ive got a serial programmer from, and the demo of
BASCOM AVR. I just got a 3 pack of 2313 uC off ebay and I want
to start messing around with a simple project to start off with.

Id like some help if you would please. I need a sample BASCOM
program to show how to contol the pins to blink an LED, and
a simple schematic of how to hook up the uC.

If you could also, point me to where I can get the xtal or
resinator for 4khz.

Im really really a noob, so keep that in mind if you can

Thanks much!

Buster Hyman

If there is a URL you can direct me to for this, it would
help too!

Thanks again!


hello buster,

a simple program with blinking led is the right way to start off.
but you should create your own program. This way you will learn a lot more!
have a look at this:
I think this file is a part of your bascom installation, too.
You can create your led program simmilar to the examples in the pdf file.
if there are concrete questions send a e-mail to me.

Have fun!


Actually, Im such a noob, I really needed the few lines
of sample code on how to blink an LED because Ive searched
and cant find it, either in the samples that came with
BASCOM (Appears to be similar/identical to Sprint Basic)
or on the Internet.

I think I found a schematic that will help, but still
not sure where to buy the xtals/resinators.

Thanks for the reply! The Newsgroups are still alive!


Ive got a serial programmer from, and the demo of
BASCOM AVR. I just got a 3 pack of 2313 uC off ebay and I want
to start messing around with a simple project to start off with.

Id like some help if you would please. I need a sample BASCOM
program to show how to contol the pins to blink an LED, and
a simple schematic of how to hook up the uC.

If you could also, point me to where I can get the xtal or
resinator for 4khz.

Im really really a noob, so keep that in mind if you can

Thanks much!
I do not know anything about the Bascom stuff (I use STK500 + Studio
4) but perhaps below will help:

Look at:
(some Led blink example code here)

P.S. Xtal must be 4 MHz I guess. - Should be std item in local
Electronic parts DIY store.


I do not know anything about the Bascom stuff (I use STK500 + Studio
4) but perhaps below will help:

Look at:
(some Led blink example code here)

P.S. Xtal must be 4 MHz I guess. - Should be std item in local
Electronic parts DIY store.

The STK500 is the starter kit of atmel.
Its a ready to go programmer and testing device with leds switches and other
application hints.
The STK 500 is about 100 Euro.
You can create your code with bascom in "Basic" or with Atmels AVR Studio 4
in "assembler".
There are also tools in C, but :-(
There are datasheets at the atmel homepage, you should read the datasheet of
the 2313.
You can get info about how to install leds and the Xtal.
Have a look at your µCs ... AT90S2313-4 up to 4 MHz or AT90S2313-10 up to 10
MHz crystals.
You can use every crystal "0" up to maximum MHz.

good luck!