Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Newb looking for help: Connecting phone to old speakers [pictures included]


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
In lieu of electrical contact cleaner you can clean electrical contacts with Isopropyl Alcohol applied with a QTip.

It is my personal opinion that the RCA Plug / Connector system is the worst connector ever made. The plug being it's weakest point. They were developed in the 1940's as a smaller & less expensive alternative to the 1/4" Phone Plug.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Ha! My eyes saw what I expected to see. Not what you posted. So does this mean that reverse dyslexia is a good thing?

BTW: No argument there. They're a great robust connector.

Merry Christmas,
Greetings, comrades.

I'm still having recurring "crackling" sensations and I suspect it is the socket I push the gold speaker wire into. Is there any adapter or wire I can use to push the wire into the "surround speaker" port instead? Note that the "surround speaker" port is the only other port on that part of the system.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
I doubt that the wire is gold. More likely copper that can and will oxidize. I don't like the way this image looks at all. You need to clean the dust out of the speaker connectors. I would also cut off the bare wire and re-strip a fresh end. Try not to cut any strands.

I like to fold over the exposed conductors before inserting into to terminals. This will give you a tighter connection and less signal loss.
Better yet, pitch that garbage wire and buy some #14ga. It will make a huge difference in sound.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Yeah, that looks like only 18 gauge wire in the photo. The ends look waaay to frayed and messy too!
