Maker Pro
Maker Pro

New Member in Maryland

Hi everyone,

Im a tube guy, I pretty much only do stuff with tubes. Ive built radios, transmitters, test equipment, audio amplifiers, RF generators....etc. Ive done very little work with semicondoctors, maybe a few 2 transistor reflex radios but thats about it. I want to learn more about the stuff we actually use today. Maybe a little more useful.:D
There have been a few projects I really have been itching to build so I thought I would drop by here and see if I can go through with them.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Welcome! I've actually been thinking about building something using a valve for some time (just so that I can say I've done it).

I've found that you can get reasonably priced valves from time to time -- the issue seems to be with the sockets for them!

What sort of project would you recommend for a newbie like me, and what sort of power supplies are needed?

This is a pretty idle request, I don't have any valves, but I'd welcome the input from someone who has experience with them.