Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Network for PIC


Tim H.

starfire said:
What kind of post is this???

Is this a statment or a question???

I'm guessing it's a question. And I'm willing to bet that s/he will ask for
complete plans + source code. I shall surrender nothing...



you excuse don't know English language well.
I look for a project of net with MCU PIC for automation
of the house, BUS type MULTI MASTER.


Rich Webb

you excuse don't know English language well.
I look for a project of net with MCU PIC for automation
of the house, BUS type MULTI MASTER.

It's simpler to buy than to build unless the "building" exercise is part
of the goal (hobbyist) or the "buying" is just 'way too expensive.

Regarding home automation products, the commercial baseline is the X10
product line. See what's available from them and, once you've assessed
the capabilities and limitations against your own requirements, it may
be possible to provide more focused assistance.

James Beck

starfire151 said:
What kind of post is this???

Is this a statment or a question???

If it's a statement, why don't you have the common courtesy of stating more
factual information?

If it's a question, phrase it as a question...

It is most likely someone that english is a second (or third, or fourth)
language and that is the best they could do AND you should have the
common courtesy to respect and understand that.
