Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Neoteck NT8233D and testing transistors

I have a PN2222A transistor and just doing simple tests on it. Like this one

With the ohms setting, no matter what configuration I set my DMM to as to placement of leads to collector, emitter, and base, I get the o.L. However if I use my even cheaper analog lowe’s bought meter, I get the readings I suspect. What’s the deal?

Harald Kapp

With the ohms setting
Try the diode setting - provided your DMM has one. The measurement range for voltage in the Ohms setting may be insufficient for detecting the voltage drop across the PN-junctions in the transistor.
You can verify this by connecting the DMM in Ohms setting across e.g. the base-emitter path, then measuring the voltage drop using your analog meter.

Also note that conduction depends on the polarity of your measurement. Only one direction will pass current.
Try the diode setting - provided your DMM has one. The measurement range for voltage in the Ohms setting may be insufficient for detecting the voltage drop across the PN-junctions in the transistor.
You can verify this by connecting the DMM in Ohms setting across e.g. the base-emitter path, then measuring the voltage drop using your analog meter.

Also note that conduction depends on the polarity of your measurement. Only one direction will pass current.

Yep, the meter has a diode function and it works as expected. Thanks for the explanation