Maker Pro
Maker Pro

need your help in designing an Operational Amplifier circuit

need your help in designing an Operational Amplifier circuit
I need your help in designing an Operational Amplifier with these conditions:
The i/p signal changing from Vmax= 80 mv to Vmin=60 mv, the o/p must be Vout = + 5 V when Vmax= 80 mv and Vout = - 5 V when Vmin=60 mv
thank you very much


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
In that case you need to post it here.

Now explain to us what you *do* understand of the problem, and where *exactly* you are stuck.

Also the *exact* wording of the question if it is not as you provided above.
I think that if i use a comparator with dual power supply + and - 5 volts and adjusted to change its o/p when Vin less than 80 mV
but the instuctor need it that change the o/p when Vin drop to 60mV
pleas help me


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well, I'll just presume that what you originally posted is the question exactly as it is stated...

There is a continuum of solutions between a comparator that switches state at around 70mV and a DC amplifier with 0 V output at 70mv input, swinging to +/- 5V as the signal moves 10mV in either direction.

If you're presuming that it's a comparator that's required, fine -- Now what exactly are your problems in designing the circuit?