Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need to replace belt on Masterwork 340 8 Track player

I figure as long as I'm going to be opening this up to replace the power cord I may as well service the 8 track player so I can say it works Where would I find the right size belt?
It may be a lot cheaper to cross reference the belt.
Try this website.
Also, measure the belt and thickness. It may be easier and cheaper to find by size.
Possibly some other components could do with replacing too. Check the electrolytic capacitors.

I can't measure the belt because it melted I had to remove the gum with Gumout on a rag There's still a stubborn green spot on the pulley I wonder if it belongs there After removing all the gum I measure by tying a ribbon tight around the pulley and wheel and measured 5 1/2 inches Does that mean I need a 5 inch or 5 1/2 inch belt?
I can't be sure.
Somebody who used to service these will hopefully come along.
In the mean time, can you post more pictures of the insides as models were revised.
