Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need someone to design & Proto motion detector circuit


Rick Legge

I need a circuit that will detect motion of a solid object from 0" to 12"
away and and operate a relay that can switch a 12 Vdc motor. I'd want to
power the circuit with the same 12 Vdc supply.

Proto type board or hard wired or whatever works is fine, it doesn't have to
be pretty.

I'm happy to buy it, I do want it pretty quick.

If you are interested please e-mail me directly at: [email protected]

Terry Pinnell

Rick Legge said:
I need a circuit that will detect motion of a solid object from 0" to 12"
away and and operate a relay that can switch a 12 Vdc motor. I'd want to
power the circuit with the same 12 Vdc supply.

Proto type board or hard wired or whatever works is fine, it doesn't have to
be pretty.

I'm happy to buy it, I do want it pretty quick.

If you are interested please e-mail me directly at: [email protected]

You'll need to be more specific. For example:

- what is size and mass of object, with max and min?

- what material(s) is it made of?

- at what speed(s) can it move, with max and min?

- what minimum displacement would qualify as motion to be detected?

- will significant motion be confined to 2D?

- must circuit detect motion directly towards (or away from) the
detection point?

- are there any power supply restrictions?

- are there any restrictions on size and location of the detection