Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need low power 2-gate MOSFET for RF amp



Hi !

Please point me at some twin-gate MOSFET (with datasheet) for radio
reciever RF amp, what meets following requirements:

power voltage - 1.5-3V
current consumption in most linear mode - less than 1mA
frequency - up to 150 MHz
low noise, high linearity
big case (3mm at least) with long whiskers, mountable by hand.
NOT surface mounting.

Or is where any search engine for components ?

I know only BF909 series and their Russian counterfeit copy, but their
power at most linear point of VAC is overwhelming 12V * 30 mA = 360mW ,
more like a small vacuum valve, totally unacceptable for a
portable/emergency device.


I believe BF981 takes less current
Why don't you want an SMD component
Why do you need a dual gate mosfet


I believe BF981 takes less current.
OK, i'll google up for datasheet. But what for voltage ?
Why don't you want an SMD component?
Because i'm afraid i'm not skilled enough to mount SMD on PCB, because
PCB/SMD circuit is difficult to be altered many times for
experimentation, and i don't want any PCB at all, instead mounting "on
the hang" at leads of big parts - variable capacitor, coil socket etc.
Why do you need a dual gate mosfet?
I actually need sensitive, linear, low-noise RF amp with
voltage-controlled gain, and cheap (BF909 is 0,30$ here). If you'll
advice an alternative - i'll consider using it.