Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need LED bulbs and power supply for repair.

I have a neat Allstate insurance sign that's illuminated on both sides by arrays of white light LED bulbs mounted on small long PCB boards about 140 bulbs on each side.

Some of the LED bulbs, about 10, are burned out and the power supply is also no good.

The LED bulbs are 3-volt. LED bulb dimensions are 5.50mm high, width at base 5.75mm, width at top before round edge 4.75mm and pins are 2.75mm. The bulbs seem to have the light go out the top of the LED. The bulbs are soldered to small thin PCB boards with two wired in series.

The power supply is 12 volt and 2.5amp. It's a Taurus Model VB12030D01, it's 193mm long by 36mm wide and 25mm high.
I don't know if I need anything specific for the power supply. The power supply sits in the middle inside of the sign but it could be external, don't see that it would matter.

They sound like standard 5mm LEDs to me - they come in a variety of packages, taperd, round top, flat top, top hat, triangular etc etc.

Please post a picture of them.

Either way you could just go to a component suppliers site and list the LEDs therein and physically match up the devices. The voltages are irrelevant.

The power supply can be 'anything' that delivers the correct voltage and at least the stated current (more current is acceptable as the device will only take what it needs)
IMG_7521 (Edited).JPG LEDs.jpg The LEDs I ordered don't work well because they shine too bright. Through the outside of the sign you can actually see the bulbs I replaced because they're too bright. I'm attaching pictures of the two LEDs the small one and the less bright one came from the sign.
I bought them off Ebay and they just have the voltage along with size. I guess I need some way to figure out the LEDs I need to buy because the circuits have resistors and each side of the sign has hundreds of bulbs, changing to a different bulb was probably not wise. I also think that the original LEDs don't have a lens so the light is not concentrated to the top of the bulb. Looking at the LEDs from the side while on the look similar in brightness. Thought that maybe painting a little silver on the tops of the bulb might help.