Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need Help with LM3410 12v LED Circuit

I Have many many feet of 12v LED strips and i am trying to figure out how to run them using a lower voltage input maybe some where between 3.5 and 8.6 volts. all of my searching has led me to the TI LM3410 LED driver chip
but i am not sure what to do with this now that i have found it. if anyone has any idea on how to use this controller or has a better idea on how to power these strips with something smaller than a 12v battery please let me know any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please keep in mind that the whole circuit and batteries with be housed inside a cylinder not much larger than 1.5" inside diameter and total length around 6"

Harald Kapp

At a quick glance this chip seems to be right for the application.
What about the application examples in the datasheeet?
Well really what I am looking for is some help figuring out how what parts are combined with the input voltage to determine your output voltage. that information might be in the sheets but i cannot find it.