Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help with level shifter



I have an old PC power supply:

+12V 9A
+5V 20A
-5V 0.5A
-12V 0.5A

and what I need is:

+5V 6A
-5V 6A

Can someone guide me in the right direction?
Am I searching for the "level shifter"?

A schematic would be great, of course...
You can shift the voltage easy enough but not the power. MAY I sugest that if you can change the +12 output diodes polarity it might get you -12v to get -5 you need a regulator of -5 v to get there. or remove some winding from the +12v transformer and reverse the diodes


I have an old PC power supply:

+12V 9A
+5V 20A
-5V 0.5A
-12V 0.5A

and what I need is:

+5V 6A
-5V 6A

Can someone guide me in the right direction?

You can use a buck-boost converter to generate -5V from either the +5V or
+12V lines:

A real circuit will be rather more complex than shown there, due to the
need to regulate the output by varying the duty cycle.

Search for datasheets for "switching regulator" ICs. They will contain
example schematics.
Am I searching for the "level shifter"?

No; a level shifter shifts the voltage levels of a signal. It requires
that you already have a DC supply at the desired voltage.

Bob Engelhardt

Get another old PC power supply & use its +5 inverted (be sure to
isolate). Bob


Bob said:
While I fully agree with the other posts that
recommend a "real" second supply or a switchmode
regulator, just for completeness there is a way to
use a "level shifter" to do *sorta* what you want.

The idea is to take the +12V supply and run it
through separate +5V and +10V regulators, then use
the common ground as -5V, the +5V output as
ground, and the +10V output as +5V. You would
have to be *very* careful to keep the original
ground (which you are now calling -5V) away from
the new output ground. The new ground thus can't
be connected to the chassis, etc.

In general (and probably in this case), this would
be a really dumb approach. But you should keep
the general concept in mind. In the more usual
case, you have a single supply like +12V and you
want to split it into +/-6V to provide a central
ground reference for a few op-amps, and maybe
drive a modest load with a bipolar swing. This is
usually called a "ground splitter". You can just
use an equal-resistor voltage divider on the 12V
to get 6V, then use an op-amp buffer (possibly
with a pass transistor or two in the feedback
loop) to provide the ground for an external load.

Just something to keep in mind for future

Best regards,

Bob Masta

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+12---+---[10Vreg]----> +5 --------[Circuit]---+
| |
+---[5Vreg]-----> New ground ------------+
Old ground -----------> -5 --------[Circuit]---+

How will the new ground sink 6A from the +5 volt line?



Get another old PC power supply & use its +5 inverted (be sure to
isolate).  Bob

As it turns out, 5V is not enough,
and I will probably buy two 7.5V units.

Thanks, everybody.