Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help with component identification

Greetings. I am in desperate need of some help identifying this part. It is out of a DC power supply and is near a full wave bridge rectifier section. The identification on the PCB is labled as "TH1," so I'm thinking it's a two lead thyristor of some sort? Markings appear in three lines and are as follows "OS, 080, 24" It is dark green in color. Any help anyone can give would be greatly appriciated. I do not have the schematic or parts list for this unit. (picture attached)


  • IMG_20131120_141327_631.jpg
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
That looks like a thermistor (A thyristor would likely be "Q" or possibly "D" not "TH"). (A 2 terminal thyristor is called a diac and is often grouped with diodes)

It doesn't look damaged. Do you think it is?

What value of resistance does it have?

If you warm it between your fingers does the resistance go up or does it go down? (Alternatively it may not change)
I'll submit my guess:
Just the physical construction, and the fact that it's in a power supply, makes me
think it could be a varistor. Designed to absorb transient voltage spikes.
It's rare to see a cap with the leads so prominently tied to the sides of the device.
It LOOKS to me, like the physical construction of a varistor.