Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help understanding ADC sensing circuit

I have included the schematic for the ADC sensing. This circuit is taking the voltage from the power board and supplying it to the control board, which works in the voltage range 0 - 3.3V. I understand that the purpose of this interface is to limit the voltage from 0 to 3.3V so the control board doesn't fry up from the power board. Also, in the circuit, the 1.9V source is left open and the 3V is shorted.

What I want to understand is that how is the reference voltage (3V) being used in the circuit. Also, for the negative terminal of the first op amp, what is the acceptable values (like what input value will give me zero voltage output and what value will give me 3.3V output).

Finally, why is there two user input in the second op amp?

Any hep is appreciated


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    ADC Sensing.jpg
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