Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help identifying this resistor's wattage.

Hi guys. I am an electronic n00b here and while modifying the case of my cool new battery charger to add cooling vents (I felt that the charger running around 140 deg was a bit too warm), I slipped with the drill and unattached a leg from the pictured resister. I have put in 2 separate orders and have received 2 incorrect products. The first order attempt was my fault as I ordered the incorrect ohm variable (33.3ohn instead of 3.3ohm). For my second order, the units I received were approx 1/4 the size of the one i need replaced. In a humble attempt to stop this nonsense, Im seeking some help identifying the below resistor. If further measurements are needed, I can take more pictures and post them up. Thanks guys.

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The resistor shown above is 3.3 ohms

You can use 1, 2, or 3 watt as the resistor doesn't look like it is getting hot
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Will it hurt to put a higher wattage resister as a replacement? Here are the current ones that I have ordered and received.



Will it hurt to put a higher wattage resister as a replacement? Here are the current ones that I have ordered and received.

Note the grey body represents flame proof .... meaning they are not supposed to burst into flames when they get cooked ( over voltage or current)

your original one is a blue body, which signifies high voltage rating

a higher wattage value doesn't matter, just means the resistor will run cooler


additional note

the grey bodied resistor pic in the first post is 33 Ω which is not suitable