Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help identify Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS)

Hi folks, I made the mistake of plugging my CPU here in Europe withoup setting the 220v switch and......... I manage to burn the power supply :( .
After dissasembling the unit I found that a TVS (I think its a Transient Voltage Suppressor) is burn in half.
i've been searching over the web to find a replacement with no luck, I'm not sure if it another component it looks like a capacitor, but the board says TVS, or is it a capacitor working as a suppressor?

The values in the side are:


Thanks for the help


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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Did it blow a fuse?

If so, the TVS *may* have protected the power supply. If not, you may have damaged more than just the TVS.

The removal of the TVS will not stop the PSU from working. If you replace the fuse and select the correct voltage, and it doesn't work, the TVS is the least of your problems.
Thank you for your response, I checked the fuse and it's ok, so the damage is not there.
I will try understand the board to see if pinpoint anything else.


Harald Kapp

That kind of TVS is also know as varistor or voltage-dependend resistor.

Since the fuse has not blown, something within the PSU was blown by the overvoltage.

Unless you have some experience with switch mode power supplies, I suggest you don't fiddle with the defect unit. Get a new one, they're for sale from around 25€ up (convert that to your local currency).

These beasts can be very dangerous - to your laptop and to your life. It's not worth the risk.