Maker Pro
Maker Pro

need help going green and willing to pay for help! solar / relay / timer control

Wow a lot has happened in a weekend. I might have missed something but why cant you disconnect the mains and just run the AC of the solar units. I know it needs mains all the time but what load does it need to stay on.
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Wow a lot has happened in a weekend. I might have missed something but why cant you disconnect the mains and just run the AC of the sloar units. I know it needs mains all the time but what load does it need to stay on.
That sounds like an amazingly simple solution. Would there be any problem attempting to draw too much current from those inverters? (Also, the op has stated previously that the inverters have an 'anti-island' feature that disables their output if a mains voltage/frequency cannot be detected.)
Yes is this just the input? What about just feeding mains in but dont connect the output. Or is there only one output which is either PV or mains?
There was an image of the inverters a few posts back.
Two terminals for the Solar Panels +/-, a cord out the back the went to mains, and a screw in the side for ground.
I am unsure how many conductors are within the cord for the AC output.
I don't entirely understand your post, but perhaps the op does?
To prevent a shock to utility workers who might be digging up your road and have cut the power to your house. The inverter needs to shut down. But I am not sure if the mains coming in links to the output internally or if there is a seperate PV mains output and domestic mains output.
To prevent a shock to utility workers who might be digging up your road and have cut the power to your house. The inverter needs to shut down. But I am not sure if the mains coming in links to the output internally or if there is a seperate PV mains output and domestic mains output.
From the ops description and sample diagram, it appears as though the anti-island feature is taken advantage of. The output to the inverters is directly connected across the compressor for the AC unit. When the AC unit is turned off, there is no mains voltage or frequency present (to the compressor and inverters) so they remain off. Once the AC unit turns on, the relay connects the compressor to mains voltage which is detected by the inverters so they enable themselves are run.
Do we know the model number of the inverter? I'll have a look if they can be worked another way.
I had asked for a model number previously... It may not be marked, or may be hidden on the inverter.
i have china no brand name,mid-priced, true sine wave mini inverters - i bought a couple extra thinking they would be crap but i haven't lost one yet. i have one of nine in my garage - it's super hot and the air is salty but it seems to be a little work horse.
Ok I found the micro inverters on YouTube and there is no separate output. Two ideas I have Henry. With additional relay switching components / processing components / Timer components. These options are.



We would then need to look at the switching arrangement. I personally like the clamp on current transformer because it's non-intrusive, it just clamps on the wire.
