Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help for my Panasonic SA-AK88

Please can you help me how to troubleshoot my Panasonic SA-AK88 ..two surround speakers (L and R) is only producing low volume static sound.. only the center speaker is working..please help me.! TIA

Sir Carl_0201 . . . . . .

Think that you are techniucally astute enough to track down your problem ?

Thats being one cramped and compact hunk of electronics . . . . . .100 Watts per channel . . .babycakes.

Beginner tests would be to see if the audio disruption noises are possibly ALSO being coincidental with variances in brightness on any LED's, or the display of the unit.?

Next test would be to see if the noise also shows up when using headphones ?

Next test would be to test in all modes tape,CD, tuner etc to see if all of them are having the SAME disruptive noise accompaniment.

Preparation one would be to physically locate big power supply IC 501 on the main board.

Preparation two would be to physically locate GIANT Potted module / power amp IC 500 on the main board.

73's de Edd

Sir Carl_0201 . . . . . .

Think that you are techniucally astute enough to track down your problem ?

Thats being one cramped and compact hunk of electronics . . . . . .100 Watts per channel . . .babycakes.

Beginner tests would be to see if the audio disruption noises are possibly ALSO being coincidental with variances in brightness on any LED's, or the display of the unit.?

Next test would be to see if the noise also shows up when using headphones ?

Next test would be to test in all modes tape,CD, tuner etc to see if all of them are having the SAME disruptive noise accompaniment.

Preparation one would be to physically locate big power supply IC 501 on the main board.

Preparation two would be to physically locate GIANT Potted module / power amp IC 500 on the main board.

73's de Edd

thanks for replying sir ..

I'm sorry I think my post is wrong sorry, the main problem is.. the two surround speakers seems muted ..and when I put the two speakers near to my ear I only hear a very low vol. "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" sound that perhaps normal, because the two speakers didn't receive any audio output..
I'm sorry to my earlier post sir..thank you

I miss my component in pro logic mode :(

Sir Carl_0201 . . . . . .

Since your center speaker IS working and it is also receiving its audio signal from the same GIANT power amp IC 500 on the main board, it seems like that whole unit might not be at fault.
If that unit has been played at sustained LOUD levels, it is possible for the voice coils of the speaker to be heated and then melted and fused to their magnets pole pieces. That will give a very weak tinny sound.
Best to check out that possibility first,so we can clear speakers of being your problem.
That can be tested by substituting in another known good speaker into each right and left position.
You have not mentioned if the BACK / REAR right and left speakers are working . If working, use one of them to test with.
Or the last situation would be to connect either a right or left front speaker to where the center speaker is now connected, as you now KNOW that a speaker will work in that position .

73's de Edd

Sir Carl_0201 . . . . . .

Since your center speaker IS working and it is also receiving its audio signal from the same GIANT power amp IC 500 on the main board, it seems like that whole unit might not be at fault.
If that unit has been played at sustained LOUD levels, it is possible for the voice coils of the speaker to be heated and then melted and fused to their magnets pole pieces. That will give a very weak tinny sound.
Best to check out that possibility first,so we can clear speakers of being your problem.
That can be tested by substituting in another known good speaker into each right and left position.
You have not mentioned if the BACK / REAR right and left speakers are working . If working, use one of them to test with.
Or the last situation would be to connect either a right or left front speaker to where the center speaker is now connected, as you now KNOW that a speaker will work in that position .

73's de Edd
thank you for replying sir..

i think my unit is faulty . ..i tried your suggestion sir.. I put either left or right surround speaker to the center surround speaker port ..and the two surround speaker is in good condition sir
Sir Carl_0201 . . . . . .

Thats good ! . . .now we don't have to worry about the possibility of any speakers being the fault.

Basically what you are now having come from the surround speakers is a weak "pink noise" and in order to even hear that noise, we must have several earlier gain stages working properly.

Next I would ask you to use a surround music source that you have used MANY times before and KNOW that the unit was working with proper Surround Sound, in the past.

Probably being a certain well played video that you have.

Then go to your operators manual on the surround sound operations and read and compare switches and settings to what you presently have on the unit.

What I am basically wondering is if a switch is in a wrong position or that the volume for the surround sound has just been turned down by an error on your part or ANOTHER person /child that in trying to. get your system working, was just "punching buttons" in order to get sound from the unit.

I think that this manuals pages 19-20-21 info and adjustments will be the same as your units , if your manual is not at hand.

In the interim, I will draw up a Surround Sound signal flow path for that set, then further troubleshooting might be just as simple as using a piece of hook up wire and a DC blocking / coupling capacitor to track that signal stage by stage.

73's de Edd

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