Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help finding specific lcd size for project

Hi guys, first time long time, I've been looking around for mini LCD modules 2" (or smaller), full color TFT(or better) for a project of mine the resolution doesn't matter but the aspect ratio of 3:2 is needed, that means 240X160px or 480X320 of course.

The only electronic device I could find that has a screen that fits into all these categories is from a Nintendo Gameboy Micro, they are rather expensive and rare and I would rather not desecrate a children's toy, but I've looked everywhere I can think to find this kind of screen with no luck, I was wondering if any of you guys had the know-how to find something like this or could help me out.

Yeah the selection sucks, if only we could special order these sorts of components on the cheap, I suppose I will just have to get a smaller screen such as the one from the ipod nano 6g and then force the pixel ratio i want, hopefully it will suffice.