Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help finding a solution - switch / Help for a noob - relays

Hi guys,

I'm in need of a specific switch that will allow the following:

- The switch needs to have 3 contacts (legs)
- Switch OFF -> no contact between any of the legs
- Switch ON -> contact between all of the 3 legs

I've looked everywhere, but I couldn't find anything that fits.

Can you advise on a switch that will fit?

I was wondering, if I take a simple 3 leg on/off rocker switch and connect 2 of the leg with a diode, will it solve it?


  • circut 2.JPG
    circut 2.JPG
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hi there welcome to the forum

I think you need to tell us all more about what you are actually trying to achieve
I can only assume that you dont really want to short circuit the + and the - of a power supply as shown in your diagrams ? as that would result in a blown power supply

You could use a 3PST switch to achieve this:

o----/ o-----+
o----/ o-----+
o----/ o-----+

Connect your three wires to one side of the 3 switches, and connect the other side of the three swiched all together.

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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You could also use a DPST switch. Just replace one of the switch contacts shown above with a link. DPST switches are far more common too.
Help for a noob - relays

Hi guys,

I have a simple circut,
3 negatives (with no contact between them)
1 positive (12V)

I need to be able to conect the positive to the 3 negatives using a simple on/off switch.
I assume the best way to do this is using a relay.

- Am I right?
- What kind/type of relay can I use?
- How should the circut look?

Thanks in advance,


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This is probably an engineering question. I'm a tech.
I think in terms of physical connection. I don't understand from the drawing, what it
is you're trying to do.
If this is theory, some engineer can probably figure-out what the drawing means.
But for us hands-on guys, we'd need a little more information, about what it is exactly,
that you're trying to do.
I merged your two threads since they seemed closely related.
I'm sorry I can't help you with any of your circuits, you're being too vague, and also using confusing terminology, so I can't tell you what you really need to know.