Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need help choosing a microcontroller


Brad Larson

Hey all,

I'm needing some help choosing a microcontroller. I've never had to
choose one before, just program for them. If anyone could make a
suggustion, I would really appreciate it.
Here are my requirements:

FPU really prefered
at least 25 MHz
10-12K for instructions/data
low power
good compiler/debugger (maybe JTAG)
at least 3 serial (SCI) ports

The thing I've been having the most trouble with is the serial ports.
I have to communicate with a radio, motor controller, and LCD display,
and they all use 9600 baud serial. If there isn't a good
microcontroller with 3 SCI ports, is there an IC I could use to make
it work somehow?



look at Hitachi (now called Renessas I believe) they have some nice
controllers with 3x serial port which can be used to upload firmware as