Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need coaxial cable with special F-type connector



The female end of my cable connector on my TV has gotten finicky and
doesn't do well with the typical F-type coaxial cable connector with
the narrow band for tightening that comes from my VCR. The picture
occasionally goes out and wiggling it brings it back, temporarily.
But if I connect the cable directly from the wall to the TV, it works
fine. That connector has a wide ring that can slide up or down the
cable but when screwed onto the female end, apparently snugs the male
connector in better. (I have a photo of this other connector if I
could post it somewhere. Is there a place to post photos for this
group?) If needed, I will try to contact aaarfproducts per their

The cable connector in the TV has also turned some when I tightened
down connectors I was trying, but, again, the TV is working fine with
direct cable.


James Sweet

woodpecker said:
The female end of my cable connector on my TV has gotten finicky and
doesn't do well with the typical F-type coaxial cable connector with
the narrow band for tightening that comes from my VCR. The picture
occasionally goes out and wiggling it brings it back, temporarily.
But if I connect the cable directly from the wall to the TV, it works
fine. That connector has a wide ring that can slide up or down the
cable but when screwed onto the female end, apparently snugs the male
connector in better. (I have a photo of this other connector if I
could post it somewhere. Is there a place to post photos for this
group?) If needed, I will try to contact aaarfproducts per their

The cable connector in the TV has also turned some when I tightened
down connectors I was trying, but, again, the TV is working fine with
direct cable.


It's probably more to do with the length of the wire of the center pin, you
could try swapping the cable with the one that came from the wall, or you
could replace the connector on the TV, it'll probably get worse.


Thanks for your reply! Am I correct in assuming that the center wire
needs to be longer (as opposed to some set length)? And when you say
it'll probably get worse, are you referring to the female part on the
TV? This is something that typically goes out? (It is a 12-year-old
Sony TV.) Is that something I could change out myself (with little
electrical experience or tools)? I took off the TV housing and saw
that it goes into a silver-colored "box".