Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Need Beckman SP-333 Plasma 3-digit 7-segment display

I found one on ebay but it was over $95. Does anyone have one for less money or even free?
It is used in a Heathkit SB634 console. Thanks, Marvin
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I fully understand your desire to source one cheaper, but I don't understand when random people expect others they don't know to sell them a part bellow market value...

These old displays that are already rare have become quite popular with collectors, and like nixie tubes (non-Russian) they demand a steep price in todays market...
Sorry I offended you

I requested info on an IC that I found listed for $100 because it was a rare and old part. As a result of my request, a gentleman sent me one free and did not even request postage that I would have gladly paid. So there are some very nice generous people out there. You just have to ask, I guess.