Maker Pro
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Need A Brinks Manual?


Nomen Nescio

Brinks has the funds and the legal resources to force your anonymous remailer
You're a fucking idiot Bass. You don't know how anonymous remailers work,
else you wouldn't make such a ridiculous statement. Now go on and tell me I'm
wrong because I can't wait to go into details.

I don't think Bass has even figured out that there are multiple Nomen
Nescios, much less that remailers don't keep logs, or that they are often
in foreign countries, beyond the reach of the U.S. judicial system.

- a different Nomen Nescio

Frank Olson

Robert said:
It's called extortion, you moron.

Are you by any chance referring to the fee Jim charges for access to his
website? Last time I looked that fee appeared pretty reasonable
considering the resources it makes available. Jim's not a "public
library", Bass. He has to be able to recover some of his costs.

It's called theft. He stole their IP.

Stealing IP is not "theft". It's a civil torte minus the mint frosting.
Jim stole nothing belonging to Brinks and you know it. What has Jim
done to you to merit these bogus accusations?

A felony would be something like you waving a gun around. A civil torte
would be something like you plagiarizing the Sentrol Application
Handbook or making the DSC downloading software available on your
website. You've done all three (and more).

Frank Olson

G. Morgan wrote:

Again, since you're just talking out of your ass - everything you think you
know is bullshit. I have done the research and know precisely how to send an
anonymous message that is not traceable, period.

Bass knows how to do it as well. He's an expert. He's pulling your
chain and you're going for it.

I think what Brinks is doing to Jim is extortion, I don't see you cry foul
about that.

It's not "extortion", Graham. It's a nuisance suit. Brinks has all the
bucks and the power. Some petty VP in sales trying to cover his sorry
ass because of poor account retention found Jim's website and cried
"foul" when he saw he was making the DTI and Scantronic programmers
available for rent. There is no way for Brinks to be able to
substantiate a loss of revenue to Jim's website (or tortuous
interference with the PSA). In order to do that, Jim would have to
provide information about whose equipment the programmer was used on.
Since Jim only rents the programmers to security dealers that's going to
be extremely difficult to do. Now, if one of those dealers happened to
be a former Brinks employee, then they'd have a case against the
employee and not Jim.

What IP would that be? I've examined the Tech Help! files and saw no IP
belonging to Brinks in there.

It's the same "reasoning" he uses to say that I'm a "counter clerk".
He's a moron.

G. Morgan

Nomen said:
I don't think Bass has even figured out that there are multiple Nomen
Nescios, much less that remailers don't keep logs, or that they are often
in foreign countries, beyond the reach of the U.S. judicial system.

- a different Nomen Nescio

He probably doesn't realize what Nomen Nescio means.

I'll save you the trouble Bass --> " I do not know the name"

G. Morgan

Frank said:
G. Morgan wrote:

Bass knows how to do it as well. He's an expert. He's pulling your
chain and you're going for it.

I'm not so sure.
It's not "extortion", Graham. It's a nuisance suit. Brinks has all the
bucks and the power. Some petty VP in sales trying to cover his sorry
ass because of poor account retention found Jim's website and cried
"foul" when he saw he was making the DTI and Scantronic programmers
available for rent. There is no way for Brinks to be able to
substantiate a loss of revenue to Jim's website (or tortuous
interference with the PSA). In order to do that, Jim would have to
provide information about whose equipment the programmer was used on.
Since Jim only rents the programmers to security dealers that's going to
be extremely difficult to do. Now, if one of those dealers happened to
be a former Brinks employee, then they'd have a case against the
employee and not Jim.

It's more than just a little "nuisance" to Jim I'm sure. It's corporate
bullying at it's worst. I'm not surprised though, they treat their employees
like shit too.
It's the same "reasoning" he uses to say that I'm a "counter clerk".
He's a moron.


Robert L Bass

G. Morgan said:
I think...

When did you start to think?
what Brinks is doing to Jim is extortion, I don't see you cry foul about

Brinks is enforcing their IP rights. Jim had a good chance of winning the
lawsuit if he took any of the good advice he received from numerous people but
he opted to do things a different way. In the process he handed Brinks a
default judgement. I don't like what Brinks is doing to him but it's his own
fault that they're succeeding.
What IP would that be? I've examined the Tech Help! files and saw no IP
belonging to Brinks in there.

I have too. He removed the offending material. However, he continued to
violate the court orders regarding their other property. That and his failure
to appear when summoned got him in deeper and deeper. Now it's only a matter
of time before they wipe the floor with him. That's truly sad. Things like
that should happen to vermin like you, not Jim Rojas.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252

Robert L Bass

Nomen Nescio said:
I don't think Bass has even figured out that there are multiple Nomen
Nescios, much less that remailers don't keep logs, or that they are often
in foreign countries, beyond the reach of the U.S. judicial system.

I know about remailers, logs, etc. You don't know it but there are ways to
track back, even across foreign borders. And yes, I know what "Nomen Nescio"


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252


Robert L Bass said:
You think so? :^)

I know so. Literally there is not enough information, even at the
intermediate stages to identify the originators. Otherwise they would have
been shutdown years ago in larger cases by larger companies than Brinks.

You need to scale your thinking

G. Morgan

Robert said:
When did you start to think?

**** you..
Brinks is enforcing their IP rights. Jim had a good chance of winning the
lawsuit if he took any of the good advice he received from numerous people but
he opted to do things a different way. In the process he handed Brinks a
default judgement. I don't like what Brinks is doing to him but it's his own
fault that they're succeeding.

That's true.
I have too. He removed the offending material. However, he continued to
violate the court orders regarding their other property. That and his failure
to appear when summoned got him in deeper and deeper. Now it's only a matter
of time before they wipe the floor with him. That's truly sad.

I'll have to look at an older version before all this happened to verify that,
I've got one on another drive somewhere.
Things like
that should happen to vermin like you, not Jim Rojas.

Did I say "**** You" yet? Oh, **** You. Guess what else is on that drive
Bassey? It's your FAQ files that you seem to have misplaced. You left your
/images directory browsable on your old site, I have the .zipped Robohelp
compilation and the HTML too. Wanna buy them?


Robert L Bass said:
I know about remailers, logs, etc. You don't know it but there are ways
to track back, even across foreign borders. And yes, I know what "Nomen
Nescio" means.

Your technical expertise includes TOR and Mixmasters? How about an overview
of how this could be done.

G. Morgan

Steve wrote:

Your technical expertise includes TOR and Mixmasters? How about an overview
of how this could be done.

I'd like to see that too.

Frank Olson

Steve said:
I know so. Literally there is not enough information, even at the
intermediate stages to identify the originators. Otherwise they would have
been shutdown years ago in larger cases by larger companies than Brinks.

You need to scale your thinking

Unfortunately he doesn't have much to measure against, so "scaling his
thinking" is next to impossible.

Frank Olson

G. Morgan said:
Did I say "**** You" yet? Oh, **** You. Guess what else is on that drive
Bassey? It's your FAQ files that you seem to have misplaced. You left your
/images directory browsable on your old site, I have the .zipped Robohelp
compilation and the HTML too. Wanna buy them?

They wouldn't be worth much. You can download a good deal of those
pages from the archives. Besides, a lot of the material was gleaned
from USENET posts. There's a good deal of plagiarized material there.
It would require a lot of effort to "rework", and you'd have to track
down the original sources to get permission for use. I suppose it could
be done.

Frank Olson

"It only implies that I don't sit back and let you post more false
accusations without responding." - Robert L. Bass

Robert L Bass

G. Morgan said:
Did I say "**** You" yet? Oh, **** You.

You'd never go back to chickens and sheep.
Guess what else is on that drive Bassey? It's your FAQ files that you seem
to have misplaced...

They weren't misplaced. I gave those pages to Jim Rojas years ago.
You left your /images directory browsable on your old site...

That was deliberate. Several friends and I shared FAQ pages, images, etc. I
haven't worked on the FAQ since August, 2004, when I took the servers down
during a hurricane. Every now and then I think about bringing it back online
but there'd be a lot to do and I'm way too busy handling orders now.
I have the .zipped Robohelp compilation and the HTML too. Wanna buy them?

No thanks. I'm pretty sure I have the source files used to build the Help
system on one of several PC's we took out of service since then.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252


Frank Olson wrote:
Bass knows how to do it as well. He's an expert. He's pulling your
chain and you're going for it.

Haaaaahahahaha. That's rich, coming from you.

Frank Olson

alarman said:
Frank Olson wrote:
Bass knows how to do it as well. He's an expert. He's pulling your
chain and you're going for it.

Haaaaahahahaha. That's rich, coming from you.

What's that supposed to mean???

Frank Olson

Roland said:
I hear there coming out with a special section in Victoria's Secret.
Chickens wearing underwear is hard to understand since their pecker is on
their face.
I guess a thrill with four on the floor isn't just about vintage

Sheep, chickens, Jake's grand-daughter... It's all the same to Bass.
He's one sick, twisted individual. Man... talk about "hate" making you

Frank Olson

"It only implies that I don't sit back and let you post more false
accusations without responding." - Robert L. Bass

Bob Worthy

Frank Olson said:
It's quite obvious he doesn't. And I'm not aware of any Jurisdictional
Treaties the US might have either with Canada or Mexico (it's closest
neighbors and trading partners) that would allow service of a search
warrant issued by a US Federal or District Court. Bass should stick to
Napco panels. They're about the only things he does have a modicum of
knowledge of.

Except for their keypads.