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Maker Pro

Nasty Sunday


Robert L. Bass

I know a 7-Eleven store up on Gun Hill Road
in the Bronx...

Perhaps, but Jiminex doesn't go anywhere near the South Bronx. He lives in
Brooklyn and his "office" is on Staten Island -- the opposite end of the
Things have changed since you last physically
installed alarms in the field/city...

Things in NYC have not changed significantly in less than five years. BTW,
I've been in the S Bronx at night, on foot plenty of times. It's dangerous
if you're not cautious where you go but no more so than any poor, inner city
neighborhood. The idea that because he lives in Brooklyn he's somehow more
alert or has "an edge" on folks who live elsewhere is just the usual
Jiminex' nonsensical egotism -- the same sort of blather that boasted of him
beating up a gang of teenagers with his hammer. Bear in mind the guy is in
his sitxties and of relatively small physical stature.
For one thing....we no longer use horse and

Apparently you haven't taken a loved one for an afternoon ride through
Central Park in some time. I did last time we were there. Horses and
buggies are still in service.
and window foil is something we break out
for Halloween...

I happen to regret the fact that foil is no longer in use. I used to enjoy
installing the stuff.


Robert L. Bass said:
Perhaps, but Jiminex doesn't go anywhere near the South Bronx. He lives in
Brooklyn and his "office" is on Staten Island -- the opposite end of the

So why would you care....
Things in NYC have not changed significantly in less than five years. BTW,
I've been in the S Bronx at night, on foot plenty of times. It's dangerous
if you're not cautious where you go but no more so than any poor, inner city
neighborhood. The idea that because he lives in Brooklyn he's somehow more
alert or has "an edge" on folks who live elsewhere is just the usual
Jiminex' nonsensical egotism -- the same sort of blather that boasted of him
beating up a gang of teenagers with his hammer. Bear in mind the guy is in
his sitxties and of relatively small physical stature.

I don't doubt Jim did that. I said I threw a pipe bender at a car, and got
the same result. If it's not on Real Video, it must have not happen,
Apparently you haven't taken a loved one for an afternoon ride through
Central Park in some time. I did last time we were there. Horses and
buggies are still in service.

SAMO = "Smart Ass Mode On"
SAMO = "Smart Ass Mode Off"
See the difference?
I happen to regret the fact that foil is no longer in use. I used to enjoy
installing the stuff.
I used to enjoy setting mouse traps...apparently poisoning them with
chemicals is now more correctly humane.

You should have been a Philosophy Professor...mine irritated the hell out me
most days, but he was right always, just always shared the other side of
things. If I said half full, he said half empty. No wonder my grammar is so
screwed up most the time....I'm stuck in the middle....not quite full, not
quite empty.....what's in the glass anyway?


Robert L. Bass said:
Perhaps, but Jiminex doesn't go anywhere near the South Bronx. He lives in
Brooklyn and his "office" is on Staten Island -- the opposite end of the

Things in NYC have not changed significantly in less than five years. BTW,
I've been in the S Bronx at night, on foot plenty of times. It's dangerous
if you're not cautious where you go but no more so than any poor, inner city
neighborhood. The idea that because he lives in Brooklyn he's somehow more
alert or has "an edge" on folks who live elsewhere is just the usual
Jiminex' nonsensical egotism -- the same sort of blather that boasted of him
beating up a gang of teenagers with his hammer. Bear in mind the guy is in
his sitxties and of relatively small physical stature.

Apparently you haven't taken a loved one for an afternoon ride through
Central Park in some time. I did last time we were there. Horses and
buggies are still in service.

I happen to regret the fact that foil is no longer in use. I used to enjoy
installing the stuff.

cheap high?

Robert L. Bass

So why would you care....

I don't. I just fealt like giving him a bit of his own.
I don't doubt Jim did that. I said I threw
a pipe bender at a car, and got the same

Not from me you didn't.
I used to enjoy setting mouse traps...apparently
poisoning them with chemicals is now more
correctly humane.

Really? I never gave it any thought.
You should have been a Philosophy Professor...
mine irritated the hell out me most days, but he
was right always, just always shared the other
side of things. If I said half full, he said half

That is a philosophy professor's job.
No wonder my grammar is so screwed up most
the time....I'm stuck in the middle....not quite
full, not quite empty.....what's in the glass

Depends on whose glass we're talking about. Leuk likes beer. Cracker seems
to be into cheap wine. Jiminex drinks vitriol, straight up. I like


Robert L. Bass said:
Perhaps, but Jiminex doesn't go anywhere near the South Bronx. He lives
in Brooklyn and his "office" is on Staten Island -- the opposite end of
the city.

Things in NYC have not changed significantly in less than five years.

Considering 9/11 was less than five years ago, I'd have to disagree with


Robert L. Bass Mar 16, 8:46 am show options

From: "Robert L. Bass" <[email protected]> - Find messages by
this author
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 11:46:35 -0500
Local: Wed, Mar 16 2005 8:46 am
Subject: Re: Nasty Sunday

I lived and worked in NYC for years. It's >nowhere near as dangerous as
Jiminex describes. He just likes to try to >sound like a tough guy, living
in the "wild west".

All this coming from a fat slob who can't get out of his own way.

Most people seem to think Jiminex resides >in Lala Land full time.

Yep, just like you reside in the Sarasota hood.

Your psychiatrist can fix that by adjusting >your dosage.

I see you've come back to me for another dose of whatever a scum licker
like you likes to eat.


Careful now, don't exert that fat heart of yours.

As opposed to when you're nowhere?

Hmmmm seem as if you're the one who can't keep track of where you
should be, fat boy. Having a problem taking care of business are you?
Can't get your fat tub o lard body around to do what's necessary to
keep your business running smoothly? What happened ? You were late
coming back from your trip. What? couldn't they get enough passengers
to sit on the other side of the plane so they could keep it in trim?
Heh, heh, heh... :^)

Yeah, I know that quick movement is out side the realm of your

Do you also find that you can hear things >other people don't hear? What do
the voices say?

Ahh! you know what they say. They say that you don't have a clue about
me. You don't know where I am, who I am or what I can do or not do.
They say that anything that you say about me is mere lies. Why? because
you've been proven a liar, a thief and unscroupulous so many times, you
have no credibility whatsoever. You've proven yourself incompetent to
run a business, and how to conduct yourself in public. You can't take
care of your life as well as you can't take care of your fat disgusting
body. You are fat, ugly and unkempt. And it's all been shown here,
through the years as you've plied your arrogant and snotty personality
to keep this group in turmoil. All for your personal selfish
gratification. You are a disgrace to humanity and more so to anyone
with whom you come in contact with. You are reliably unstable and
untrustworthy and it's been shown hundreds of times, over the years in
this Newgroup, in a myriad of ways. So ............ anything that you
might say about me, or what I do or who I am, is obvious to all
.....simply a fabrication made up from your sniveling, devious
scurrilous excuse for a mind.

And it just pisses you off to know that my only transgression in this
Newsgroup is not letting you or anyone forget just what an offensive
and vile deviant you are.